Digital Illustration, Motion Design
October, 2020
NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti​​​​​​​

The National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan offers in the interactive laboratories (i.LABs) a program of activities that changes all the time.
In this case, the museum is launching a new activity designed for kids 5 to 12 about robotics: the purpose is helping them create a real robot through the use of Arduino platform.

In order to promote this new venture, the museum asked for a memorable and cheerful mascotte. It will be used in a call to action with the aim of reminding everyone to buy their tickets online by clicking on the link in museum's Instagram bio.

Instagram video, 4:5 aspect ratio. Use of museum logo and call to action that encourages the audience to click on the link to purchase the tickets for the i.Lab.

Because of the museum's dedication to Leonardo da Vinci as a symbol of the union of humanistic and scientific cultures, I decided to design a mascotte inspired by one of his works, the hygrometer, a device for measuring the relative humidity in the air.

I imagined da Vinci in his studio, thinking out loud and glancing over his sketches. As days go by, he realizes that he usually talks to his projects and tools; he decides to make his hygrometer into a flesh and blood thought partner.
Soon after he has to put aside this personal project to ultimate other assignments.

This year the museum has decided to build a modern version of this hygrometer robot.
It will be named Iggy, the contraction of the word "Igrometro" (the Italian translation for "hygrometer"), a simple, nice and easy to remember nickname. 

1. Alberto Mario Soldatini, Vittorio Somenzi - Hygrometer (1953). Based on Leonardo da Vinci's drawing. 
The model has a quadrant structure with a bar, at the extremities of which a sponge (hygroscopic, absorbent) and a block of wax (impermeable) are attached.
2. First sketch. My goal was to combine Leonardo's project with a nice-looking robot.

3. Sketch made with Procreate
4. Final illustration made with Adobe Illustrator 

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